
RIFF WAV for Java


This EMF based project was created to allow the reading and writing of .wav files in Java.

It attempts to read in well-known RIFF chunks, and provide an API for reading/manipulating those chunks.

Most of the information about various RIFF chunks were found on The Sonic Spot website and from links in the Wikipedia article on wave files. (For more info, see the links section).


Loading a wave file (preferred method using EMF):

File file = new File("C:\\my_sample.wav");
RIFFWave riffWave = WavFactory.eINSTANCE.createRIFFWave(file);

Loading a wave file (method 2):

File file = new File("C:\\my_sample.wav");
RIFFWave riffWave = new RIFFWaveImpl(file);

Saving a wave file:

// riffWave object was created elsewhere
File file = new File("C:\\my_sample.wav");